纽约MTA(大都会捷运局)宣布将在Metro-North Railroad(大都会北方铁路)支持基于智能手机的车票
Like big sodas, paper ticket stubs may soon become a thing of the past in New York. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has announced that, come next month, its employees will begin trials of a smartphone-based ticketing system aboard the Metro-North Railroad. While the grand experiment is currently closed to the public, it’s said that railroad workers will use their Android, BlackBerry and iPhone handsets to purchase rail tickets, which may then be validated directly from their smartphone. During the trial, the new system will be compared to the current purchasing scheme that combines both ticket machines and on-board purchases. Should everything prove successful, the MTA will expand the Metro-North’s new system to all-comers.
就像大杯饮料一样,纸质车票在纽约也将很快成为过去。大都会捷运局(Metropolitan Transportation Authority)称,下个月,我们将在Metro-North Railroad(大都会北方铁路)试验基于智能手机的车票系统。最终的试验将向公众开放,乘客将使用他们的Android、黑莓或iPhone手机来购买车票,将直接使用他们的手机来验证。在试验中,将比较现有的使用自动售票机和内建的售票方案。如果一切顺利,大都会捷运局(MTA)将扩大北方铁路的这个新系统到所有交通中。